Communication Power - The Education
Connection's most powerful feature is Automatic Outbound Dialing.
We call this feature Community Contact. The uses for the Community
Contact feature are numerous. Every person in the district will
find a use for this unique, timesaving communication tool.
Community Contact works by accessing the district's database of student telephone numbers. Each teacher in the district is given a list of all the home telephone numbers for the students they teach. Using the lists of telephone numbers teachers and staff can record a message and tell The Education Connection to contact the telephone numbers and deliver their messages.
Get the word out in record time!
Because The Education Connection unitizes multiple telephone lines simultaneously it can contact a large group of people very quickly. The Community Contact feature is persistent in its attempt to deliver a message. If the telephone number is busy or not answered, The Education Connection will continue to redial the number until the message is deliver. If the telephone number is answered by an answering machine, The Education Connection can leave a message on the machine.
Flexible and Powerful
Using any tone telephone an educator can create her own list of telephone numbers, record a message, and then direct The Education Connection to dial these numbers and deliver the recorded message. If the educator needs feedback from the called party, he can request The Education Connection to record a tone response from the called party. By asking for a response the teacher can conduct an opinion poll, schedule a meeting or find volunteers quickly and easily.
The Education Connection keeps track of every thing that occurs during an automatic outbound call. The teacher can request a summary report to show which telephone numbers were reached, which were answered by answering machines, which are disconnected, and which were not reached. This information along with the date, time and duration of the call is all available on the status report. The status report is a powerful tool in documenting the communications between the school and home.
One high school recently used The Education Connection's Community Contact feature to find volunteers for After Prom. By utilizing the tone response the After Prom committee not only was able to find volunteers, but also to ask each called party on which committee he would like to serve.
The use for the Automatic Outbound Dialing feature are numerous.
For a list of popular uses click here.
Sales: 1-800-800-3823 or (937) 439-0064